At OHHA, acupuncture is used according to your needs and healing aims. You have your own individual relationship to acupuncture and the acupuncturist. Some patients love and benefit from very light techniques, some prefer and benefit more from deeper and stronger treatments. (See the list below from the World Health Organization of known conditions that respond well to acupuncture).
Some health conditions benefit from subtle treatments, some from stronger treatments. And then, there are some patients that prefer acupressure, finger pressure on acu points. While acupuncture needles are highly efficient and effective, they are not absolutely necessary for beneficial treatments.
For every one of your appointments, our primary concern is discovering the best way to work with you at that moment. Our training and experience in combination with your individuality and conditions determines the treatment protocol.
World Health Organization Viewpoint on Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy is appropriate for the conditions listed here.